Friday, December 4, 2009

C-Forum December

Hosted at Canyons
Intro-Katie and Camille
The story Colleen presented about the Chinese
teacher was incredible.
Kelly presented on google docs.
Katie presented the ARISS field trip.
Kelly talked about google academy.
Google wave--better than google docs
because you can track edits.
Bill presented in Assessment.
PD Assessment from UEN looks like the one
for me to use.

Illuminations is awesome. Next week's training
will be focused on Illuminations.
The digital paper is really cool. The activities
are good too but I think I will focus on the
digital paper.

$2500 Quest Grants
Deadline is December 18
No specific category-just apply and be specific as to how
you will use the grant.

Professional Development Plan

This school year, Professional Development is seamless for me.
I am always learning new and exciting ways to enhance classroom
performance for both teachers and students.
I am using many resources to research curriculum standards
for all grade levels.

My plan for this year is to do the following by the end
of the 2009-2010 school year:
1. Attend C-Forum at least three times, and
integrate at least one new tool from each.
2. Read at least one new research project via tweet
or internet per week.
3. Network with other colleagues/experts at least
once a month via twitter or face-to face meetings.
4. Learn one new tip or trick to enhance podcasting
and iMovie per month via apple education online.
5. Attend at least one UEN class this year and
implement one tool learned with students and
teachers this year.
6. Attend two BYOL sessions at ISTE and
integrate at least one tool with students and
teachers in the 2010-11 school year.
7. Attend two Student Showcase sessions at
ISTE and integrate at least one tool with
students and teachers in the 2010-11 school year.

I am currently working on the self-evaluation tool
and will have it posted no later than December 23, 2009.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

EC Trainings November

Clickers training was successful. Taught teachers how to import files and tests into their Notebook software.

Also taught teachers how to export excel file from skyward.

Big attendance w/elementary; very low attendance in secondary.

Friday, November 6, 2009

C-Forum November

Promethean vs. SMART
Promethean-based in Georgia
SMART-tech support out-sourced
SMART-single layer
State contract $1375 for Promethean boards
Slates $350

Promethean Planet-can only use with purchase of board

Can import Notebook files from SMART and also PDFs and interact with them
Integrated speakers
Adjust height to be able to lower the board for kids add'l $2600

Teachers had to apply to get the boards in Provo. parents also donated money

Wilson Reading-for Tier III intervention

Friday, October 9, 2009

C-Forum Notes

Loved the pen! I would love to get one-great price too.

My.uen news--they are talking about blogging - putting a blog feature on it. They also talked uTips, etc.

Take a Veteran to School Day 2009 is coming up soon. They want us to get people involved and invite veterans and tape their interviews, etc.

Bonnie Muir talked about Snow Leopard a little bit. She is sold on it--said there are a few things that you need to do but for the most part it's very good.

Cyberteach in EconEdLink-interactives are good.

Current Events: related lessons and reverse order - there is an RSS feed for the current events section