Monday, April 19, 2010

Butler PD Pilot

The pilot is going extremely well. I will upload some photos from the training. The teachers are engaged and seem excited about this opportunity. I will post the results from the trainings after Tuesday's training.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Butler PD

I am excited about the PD pilot that our team is starting tomorrow and Tuesday at Butler Elementary. We are going to provide full day substitutes for each teacher so that he/she can learn how to integrate doc cams and projectors, as well as eMedia and the productivity lab software in their new computer lab.

The principal asked for these PD days, and Scot graciously approved them. If this is successful, we hope to be able to offer this to more schools in the next school year.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Circumference and Area of circles

These videos were done using a doc cam. Students created circles and wrote the scripts to teach how to find the area and circumference of circles.