Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leadership Conference 8/5/10

This was a great presentation. It applies to every one of us as citizens, not just educators. Too bad our reluctant parents couldn't hear this presentation.

Dr. Doty stated the four goals for this year. All of them center around providing a college-ready student.

Dr. Doty
Wants every student to pursue college
Why such an emphasis on college? Because by 2018 everyone will need it to make it in the world.

63% of all jobs will require a college diploma at least a BS.

9/10 workers with a hs limited to 3 occupational clusters

As economy gets back on track 60% of people without a degree will not be able to make ends meet

Critical Issues and Skills for District and School Leaders
presented by Dr. George M. Batsche

Dr. Batsche
Birth rate by 2042 the predominant racial group will be Hispanic
82% of hispanics in the US are latino

One of the biggest challenges is how to effectively instruct these ELLs?

For every one of the educated persons, there is a statistic that they aren't able to support the non-educated persons

Once a student is more than 2 years behind there is an 8% chance the student will catch up
If you can increase student achievement you still have a two year gap

If you are more than 2 years behind in HS they probably won't make it or will drop out

RtI is a way of schooling. It is NOT a program.
Goal for RtI -- no kid leaves k without literacy ready for 1st grade
K is very important for all of the ELLs and other kids too

If you cannot read you cannot learn

Even for students who are low-performing when you target instruction at the proficient and advanced levels they are engaged

The most powerful method for literacy instruction is there is no one.

No one method will ever meet the needs of today's learner.

The core of the LEARN act is a mult-tier support (not RtI) differentiated 3 tiers.

98% of kids in special ed are there for literacy/reading issues.

47% of all special ed $ go to help kids read.

Good first instruction is the most powerful thing we can do.

When you have cancer, you have treatment options. We need to do the same in education.