Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leadership Conference 8/5/10

This was a great presentation. It applies to every one of us as citizens, not just educators. Too bad our reluctant parents couldn't hear this presentation.

Dr. Doty stated the four goals for this year. All of them center around providing a college-ready student.

Dr. Doty
Wants every student to pursue college
Why such an emphasis on college? Because by 2018 everyone will need it to make it in the world.

63% of all jobs will require a college diploma at least a BS.

9/10 workers with a hs limited to 3 occupational clusters

As economy gets back on track 60% of people without a degree will not be able to make ends meet

Critical Issues and Skills for District and School Leaders
presented by Dr. George M. Batsche

Dr. Batsche
Birth rate by 2042 the predominant racial group will be Hispanic
82% of hispanics in the US are latino

One of the biggest challenges is how to effectively instruct these ELLs?

For every one of the educated persons, there is a statistic that they aren't able to support the non-educated persons

Once a student is more than 2 years behind there is an 8% chance the student will catch up
If you can increase student achievement you still have a two year gap

If you are more than 2 years behind in HS they probably won't make it or will drop out

RtI is a way of schooling. It is NOT a program.
Goal for RtI -- no kid leaves k without literacy ready for 1st grade
K is very important for all of the ELLs and other kids too

If you cannot read you cannot learn

Even for students who are low-performing when you target instruction at the proficient and advanced levels they are engaged

The most powerful method for literacy instruction is there is no one.

No one method will ever meet the needs of today's learner.

The core of the LEARN act is a mult-tier support (not RtI) differentiated 3 tiers.

98% of kids in special ed are there for literacy/reading issues.

47% of all special ed $ go to help kids read.

Good first instruction is the most powerful thing we can do.

When you have cancer, you have treatment options. We need to do the same in education.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

EduBlogger Con 6/26/10 allows you to open SMART notebook and notebook express lessons.
allows you to see embedded links or the URL and pulls out the content with keywords highlighted.

booth 2419
a search engine for students. Only searches 35k sites for schools/they are all curated sites

reminded me of Pioneer Library
URL shortener--easier to get a custom shortened URL than some of the other ones out there

LongUrl gives you the long URL but doesn't take you to that exact place

HugeUrl gives you the huge url but again doesn't you there
put in a search and gives you a link that will take you to google to search

Read It Later
whenever on a web page that you want to look at later it saves it to your Read It Later list to read at a later date. (would be great from tweets that would be good)

Empowers teachers into share real time messages
Create groups and give students code to connect with the teacher in a private social network
Add to library things that you find that you like or waht to share with students
lowest prices on microsoft items
In case you need to make a bing and google at the same time
the esarch will come up on two sides
compare and contrast
paste in a bunch of text
in between each word add a ~ then it will put them in order

Web 3.0
There is an overwhelming amount of information out there
use the web page she is posting to see how much information is sent in one second-overwhelming.

Teaching responsible use for social networking/bullying, etc.

Facebook-should we open it or not? A school has created a group so they are not able to see your personal page.

Bigger than just digital literacy. It is information curation with a community.

You need to be everywhere and how do you do that?

Ask an Author
An author will skype in for 15 minutes
Henry Jenkins Tranversal Media
Etin Wanger's work on Multi-Membership

#ebc10network is the hashtag for this conference

the leader doesn't really believe in the actual term "PLN."

has nothing to do with only the people you interact with on twitter.
P=Personal/Professional, etc.

Twitter is mostly about socializing and not learning. Blogs are more for learning.

There are affordances for social media for learning. It's the terminology that is the question.

I am surprised by the number of people taking notes on paper here at this conference. Strange!

Anytime teachers get together they call it "PLC."
Doesn't make it necessarily so.

We do need to have a common language though.
Everything will have different meanings for different people.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SuccessNet - Pearson -Paul Richins

Most classrooms have some sort of projection system. The way they will use it now is different because of the content with this curriculum.

To Log in:

Username first_last
PW 6 characters minimum--district standard is district pw

Everything a student accesses is what is assigned by the teacher with the exception of the 2-d print (same as their text books)

Teachers can generate tests and have students complete end of level/benchmark, etc. is key because teachers can get inservice on demand
envisionMATH page has tutorials for teachers

Good idea to have teachers go over the overview tutorials for the appropriate grade level

Everything in print is also digital (appx 60% more available
digitally than printed)

Tools4MATH - online manipulatives

DimensionM- game environment

ExamView Test Generator has to be loaded to the hard drive.

Can open lessons online and use PDF or with digital resources

All student data is purged in the fall.

All teachers have DVD-ROMs in case the network is down or something.

Teachers can use a .pdf with an interactive white board and save the worksheet digitally.

Click Check computer settings from the home page. You will see green check marks if you have what you need. Flash and Shockwave will be required to use the system. It will say click here to check _____.

iPad users may have problems with the Flash issue.

This program is bi-lingual with a click of a button.

Any change made you must log out and log back in before changes will show.

Lesson Openers:
k-2 interactive story
3-6 video

View-teaching the lesson
Assign-assigns lessons for kids to do online
Information-UT standards and core, including new core
Teacher's Edition

Each lesson takes appx 60 min to complete
They are broken down into Learn, Guided Practice, and Quiz

Guided Practice allows you to go from print to interactive and back and forth.

There are online manipulatives that go with the practice sections.

Quiz is a quick check for understanding.

Consumables for K-2. Not sure about 3-6.

Resource can have k-6 content

Other grades only have their grade level -- choose all three from one grade level.

Print Parent Letter from the roster screen. It shows their username, password, and tech support phone numbers.

The district can also upload the classes.

There have to be students added in SuccessTracker to manage.

Use Parent Night or Back to School Night to have parents go into the lab to see the product.

Monday, May 10, 2010


This testing has been extremely frustrating at times, and fine at others. The problems we incurred were not in our control. There isn't enough bandwidth at UEN to support all of the schools in the state of UT hitting their servers at the same time. I'm at Park Lane today, and we had machines freeze at the beginning of testing but everything seems be working fine now. It is strange how sometimes it is very easy and other times very difficult. I do hope they get these issues resolved before next year!

iWorks Training

I enjoyed teaching this class with Jethro. He is a very dynamic instructor and I learned a lot from him, just as the participants in the class did. We only had 9 in our class, but that was a very good size for us to be able to provide more one-to-one help. We took turns with helping the class members.

I look forward to this type of training in the fall as we plan for the "23 Things" professional development opportunities.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Butler PD Pilot

The pilot is going extremely well. I will upload some photos from the training. The teachers are engaged and seem excited about this opportunity. I will post the results from the trainings after Tuesday's training.